Ruby's Hidden Gems: Bullet (Appsignal's blog)
Spelunking Ruby Gems (WeTransfer's blog)
Using client stubs for easy and reliable integration tests
A while ago, I used AWS Ruby SDK to create a method to download files from S3, and I was introduced to Aws::ClientStubs, which is amazing, and it opened up my mind on how to test external APIs with a more integrated approach!
An index route without pagination can destroy your app!
Last week I was involved in a problem that started to happen with an internal application.
Investigating API timeout errors (when using Nginx and Puma)
On Ruby on Rails applications, a very common pattern is to use Nginx as the reverse proxy and Puma as the application server.
Agility in software development - Text Editor
I’ve been programming for a while and every day I try to learn something new to be more effective and fast.
10 tips to help using the VCR gem in your Ruby test suite
The original post, in Portuguese, was published here. (I procrastinated to translate it to English almost 1 year!)
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